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There are seven principles that, when follwed, deliver the results you desire.  This is true whether your goal is tied to finances, fitness, career or your social life.  They are well known to everyone who has seen a measure of success in their lives, and most likely, you already know them too.

Know what you want and be crystal clear about it. 

Whatever you are seeking to do, write it down.  Then read it to yourself, imagine it, consider it, believe in it.  Refuse distractions and keep your mind intent on understanding why, when, where and how you will accomplish your goal.  

Use lonely times to become even more clear on your goal. 

We are all faced with times of isolation whether they are chosen or forced upon us. Especially during coronavirus, my heart goes out to all individuals who endure quarantine alone.  I encourage you to use this time to develop your plan.  Inject yourself with the fuel needed to accomplish your goal.  Read books, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, and educate yourself by studying people who have had the type of success you want. Use them as models to decipher the “how to” of achieving your aim.  

Follow that still small voice, not nagging doubts or nagging doubters. 

When you work out how to accomplish a secret wish of your heart, you know you’re on to something big from from the excitement and exhilaration that the idea brings. After that, doubt shows up in the form of unwelcome thoughts.  Frequently to combat those thoughts, we want to be rallied by friends and family.  

We tell them our heartfelt wish because we want them to dismiss our doubts, fears and concerns.  However, if you don’t choose the confidant wisely, you end up with an audible voice that echoes the doubtful thoughts.  STOP LISTENING TO THEM.  Sorry to shout, but many of us can’t seem to learn this lesson.  To accomplish great things, you have to think and act differently, and that makes people uncomfortable.  It’s best to keep mum until you have enough progress to weaken the doubter’s arguments.  In this way your belief becomes unshakeable, and you won’t be robbed of your success before you’ve even begun. 

Don’t criticize others, tend toward self-improvement instead.

Put your energy into getting your own house in order.  As the Bible says, “First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brothers’ eye.” When you complain about others, you run the risk of creating enemies or giving the impression that you’re full of excuses.  You are much better off when you invest your time into learning life hacks, business models, history or personal development.  All of these help you to succeed, and can inspire massive action.  Massive action is a powerful tool in and of itself, click here for a great podcast by Brooke Castillo on this topic.

Always keep your ideal as your target.

Canadian phycologist Jordan Peterson believes people are happiest when they make incremental progress toward their highest ideals.  In his famous 12 rules for life, he reminds us to hold our ideal firmly in our minds and to compare ourselves only against that ideal or who we were yesterday, or last month, or last year.  In other words, know how you want the story to end, and don’t compare your chapter 1 to another person’s chapter 12.  In doing this we avoid both complacency and downheartedness. 

Be generous. 

I’m not talking about a monetary donation, although I am advocate for charitable giving.  Rather, I’m talking about the idea that the high tide raises all boats.  As you excel and grow, be sure to take others with you.  Encourage them, share with them, and teach them when you have the knowledge or wisdom to do so.  For those of you far along on your journey, look for somebody to mentor.  Life is filled with trials; how great it is when we contribute to somebody’s triumph. 

Set aside time to reflect and learn from your experiences. 

More than once, I’ve been given insight by others only to realize later that had I thought through some of my prior errors, I would have come to the same conclusion.  As American philosopher and educator John Dewey said, “We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.” We should regularly make a space in our calendar to ask ourselves:

  • What did I do right?
  • What could I do better?
  • What inspired me to act?
  • When did I lose momentum and what caused it?    

So was I right?  Have you heard these all before?  Either way, I hope these principles resonate with you and buoy whatever journey you’re on.  I want you to realign, react, and recommit so that you accomplish the desires of your heart.    

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